Who I am

Hello!  My name is Lin and I am excited to begin this new chapter in life! 

I began sewing my own clothes when I took my first sewing class in school. At that time, I was given a very old Singer sewing machine and from there it was instant love for the craft. A typical weekend for me would include creating a new outfit to wear on Monday. I struggled finding off-the-rack clothing to fit me comfortably. Learning to sew my own pieces and fit them to my figure was exciting and a great confidence builder. 

From starting out making my own clothes, I moved on to making prom dresses and then my sister asked me to make her wedding dress! I also was one of her bridesmaids, so I had two dresses to make for the big day. A couple years after that, I made my own wedding dress and the dress for my maid of honor. I loved being able to add my own design features to these dresses. I knew there was no stopping me at that point!

As they say, life has a way of getting in the way. As my kids were born and our family grew - then shrank as they do - I didn't have a whole lot of spare time to work on my craft. I didn't give up creating entirely during this time. I still made things when the need arose and for gifts at Christmas and birthdays. 

Today my family is grown and I have a new wonderful guy who sees all my strengths and weaknesses - and loves me because of them. He is my rock and my base. Without his support, my new venture would be more difficult.

Now, I enjoy creating all types of clothing, accessories, toys and housewares. If it can be sewn, knitted or crocheted, I'm up for the challenge! 

My main focus for the last few years has been repurposing cloth and yarns that others no longer have a use for. I scour the local shops and online sites for household items (sheets, curtains, tablecloths) and clothing that would otherwise be discarded in landfills as no longer useful. Items that have wear in some spots can easily be cut down and refashioned into clothing, bags and so many other items. Not to mention how awesome some of the buttons, bows and other accents can be repurposed and so many are no longer found any more - or can be found at such a high cost because of their rarity. 

This is not to say I do not also work with new fabrics. There are times when I just fall in love with a particular fabric or have a request from someone for a specific type or color that I don't have in my vast stash. 

So thank you for visiting my pages and be sure to stop back often for new ideas and tips. I plan to update weekly with new projects or tips I have learned to make your projects go smoother. 


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